
Microsoft Word Document
microsoft word document

Choose a Context-Appropriate Typeface 3. Keep It Simple, Less Is More 2. Structured documents are documents that control where content can appear on a document, what kind of content can appear in the document, and whether that content can be edited.10 Simple Design Rules for Professional Microsoft Word Documents 1. This topic provides information about changes to content controls in Microsoft Word 2013 and the document scenarios that those changes enable.

Microsoft Word Document How To Use Headings

Warning: The default style called a normal template in MS Word uses light blue heading colors that have insufficient color contrast. In the Styles group, choose the appropriate heading level (see the next section on how to Use Headings in the Proper Order) from the Styles gallery. Select the text that you want to make into a heading. Click the 'Help' option in the column on the left side of the screen.Read and edit documents attached to emails, collaborate with your team and bring your office wherever you go with Microsoft Word. Open Microsoft Word and click the 'File' tab at the top of the screen. They need to be formatted as headings.After youve installed your software, such as Microsoft Word, you can find and review your product key within the software itself.

microsoft word document

Potential penalty for this transgression is beheading. Don’t skip heading levels. It can be helpful to view the Navigation Pane while applying structure to a word document, so you can see the headings in an outline style format to make sure you haven’t skipped a heading level. Heading order is also similar to an outline. Heading 3s are sub-sections of those chapters, and so on. Heading 2s are like chapter titles.

Keep this description to one or two sentences. Type a detailed explanation of the picture in the Alt Text box. Go to the image and right click, then select “Edit Alt Text…”

Click the Foreground eye dropper tool, hover over and click the foreground color to select it. Make sure you are in the Result — Luminosity mode, not the contrast result for color blindness. Open the Colour_Contrast_Analyzer application Type a detailed explanation of the picture in the Description box – Not the Title box.See Complex Image Accessibility for images that cannot be adequately described in alternative text (which should be limited to one or two brief sentences.) LinksMake sure there is enough color contrast between foreground (font) color and background color.If you print your color graphic on a black and white printer, would it be understandable? Without sufficient color contrast, people who are color blind will not be able to benefit from the information.How-to Install and Use the Colour Analyzer tool Click over to the Layout & Properties tab.

Video: How to use the Colour Contrast Analyzer toolWrite math and science equations accessibly.Mathematical equations and scientific notations must be written with MathType (an MS Office equation editor plugin) or Libre Office’s native equation editor and saved in a source folder in your course files. Video: How-to Install the Colour Contrast Analyzer Don’t worry If you fail the AAA standards, though you might want to consider something with more contrast.Videos: How to Install and Use the Colour Analyzer tool PCC’s standards are to reach a pass in the AA standards. If you have font larger than that, you must get a Pass (AA) in the Large Text field. If you have a 12 pixel font color you are testing for color contrast, you must get a Pass (AA).

When you click on an error or warning, instructions on how to fix it appear below in “Additional Information”. The accessibility checker provides you with a list of errors, warnings and tips. Go to the Review tab when within your document.The Accessibility Checker panel will open to the right of the document. Previous versions don’t have the built in checker.)A great way to begin checking the accessibility of your Microsoft Word document is to use the built-in accessibility checker.Please Note: The accessibility checker only checks. Run the built in checker(Mac users, you must have MS Word 2016 and the August 2016 update. For more information, see the Math Accessibility Report.

microsoft word document